Here is Why Boomi is the best Cloud Integration Platform

Jade Global
5 min readMar 17, 2020


The one problem that affects almost any and all businesses across, industries all over the world is the difficulty in utilizing all the data that the business collects. Businesses are storing data that holds knowledge every moment of the day. In fact a very interesting study quotes that we generate 2.5 quintillion bytes of data each day. That’s a lot, especially if you consider that a majority of the world’s existing data was actually generated in the past few years alone, due to the growing popularity of storing records digitally. The Conventional Software’s and ERP Systems could store data in siloed environment. They were designed as independent applications that weren’t meant to exchange information.

However, as businesses grew the inability to unify this data at commonly accessible platforms have given rise to a number of lost opportunities. Different types of Industry specific software’s use varied formats of Electronic Data Interchange such as AS2, X12, EDIFACT, etc. making it even more difficult for software types to exchange information. Businesses were spending several hours keying, extracting and analyzing data manually or with very basal software. As a solution many integrating software did come into practice but one of their major limitations remained lack of streamlining. Traditional custom coding, software bundles, and hardware products were costly, time consuming and had limited applications.

What is Boomi?

In comes Boomi the hero to data in Distress. Boomi is a Cloud based data Integration platform that can combine any cloud or On-premise Applications without Software of coding. It can seamlessly connect information in a unified platform so that users can manage their end to end work processes using cloud technology. By enabling a centralized integration, Boomi users have the ability to automate workflow, the master data hub, API management and design, B2B/EDI management, and application development tools.

It can be defined as an Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS). Being a cloud-based platform upgrades are programmed into the system and it remains versatile and secure. Users can thus create and manage integrations without any effort at all. They can also create, distribute, and oversee entire API lifecycle.

Boomi has a built-in library of over 200 precreated connectors over 1500 endpoints. It uses a single instance and multi-tenant structure to configure users information, quickly organize transactions at a faster pace. In order to transfer data between on-premise applications and cloud applications, Boomi enables customers to create cloud-based integration processes called Atoms. Thus, the Integration environment is called the Atomsphere.

What are the benefits of Boomi?

Scalability and Flexibility: One of the major benefits of a cloud platform is the associated scalability. Computing resources can be scaled up and down as per the requirement of the enterprise. Due to its subscription billing model, this can be especially advantageous in terms of cost per resource. Additionally, users also have the flexibility of deployment. They can use various Boomi functionalities such as MDM, API Management, Atomsphere in any combination. Further the inbuilt connectors of Boomi makes it simple to quickly integrate any application or add integrations to other applications. For example, your business already has an integration between Salesforce and another Application but you now wish to add some other billing or HR applications. Connectors allow the flexibility to add these integrations at any time.

Easy API Management: APIs are an essential part of the modern IT Infrastructure. Most modern applications especially those related to mobile computing and social media thrive on these. Since a number of companies are creating it to APIs for third party consumption, API creation, governance and management ate crucial. With Boomi’s API management capabilities businesses can easily make relevant data available to all stakeholders. It can access legacy applications which store a lot of data required by the newer applications for a complete 360 ° analysis. For example, a financial service legacy app will need to connect to the APIs of multiple applications so as to unify information about all the accounts that belong to a customer. Further Boomi API management features also allow the platform to analyze real time data from IoT devices and act on it.

Improved Productivity of Organization: Boomi brings in a host of benefits that improve a businesses overall efficiency in terms of productivity and resources. Since it brings all data into a uniform structure, it maintains the consistency and quality of data stored in the organization which thereby makes it easier for all employees to access data and take informed decisions. The turn around rate for the integration projects have come down strategically leaving more room for innovation and operational efficiencies. Data Silos created by integration tools before Boomi can also be done away with as this unified platform which allows users across functions to have visibility of relevant data. Also, IT Teams spend less time troubleshooting across various integration solutions. With Boomi’s unified platform troubleshooting takes way less time than before.

Crowdsourcing to mitigate risks: Boomi’s Atomsphere offers various crowdsourced features collated from user best practices to improve efficiencies and mitigate risks. This also helps lower the cost of integration. For instance, Boomi Suggest indexes data mappings from all users anonymously across the platform. This helps to shorten the implementation process as user is suggested various options from this mapping during the configuration process, thus reducing the time taken. Boomi Resolve automatically suggests resolutions for common error messages based on contributions from users. The tool becomes more refined with machine learning as more issues are identified and resolutions are stated. Boomi Assure is another such crowdsourced tool for regression testing. It ensures that if test data is submitted it will be tun against every future release and Boomi will not release any new version until the regression test is passed.


As businesses grow and evolve the demand for cloud integration services will only grow. Boomi brings in several advantages, as listed above. Features such as crowdsourcing set it apart from many other integration services. Scalability, flexibility and optimal cost coupled with easier API management allow users to easily and quickly integrate applications.



Jade Global

Jade is the trusted IT Services Partner helping global clients accelerate business agility & achieve rapid digital transformation for long-term business growth.